Fleurop Interflora Nederland
PR and cooperative communication for Fleurop: connect florists
Fleurop has more than 500 affiliated florists. How do you serve these individual entrepreneurs, and strengthen the brand? We support Fleurop with cooperative communication. We also provide PR for this market leader in the flower world.

Fleurop is a specialist in sending flower creations.
With a network of 40,000 local professional florists in over 140 countries, a bouquet is always at your fingertips. On a daily basis, Fleurop serves both the private and business market with passion, craftsmanship and a keen eye on sustainability. The mission: making people feel good! We reinforce this mission year-round with various PR activities. For example, on International Women’s day, power women were surprised with a beautiful bouquet.

Time for action
Is it time for change? We are ready to go! Subsequently, it is essential to engage all professional florists and to preserve Fleurop’s core values. Change management and cooperative communication are some of the tools we use for the market leader in flowers. From working on multi-annual plans to specific short-term measures, needs assessment through research, surveys and interviews.
A boring annual report? Fleurop proves the opposite. In their annual report, the focus is not only on numbers. People are the point of focus: the central organization and their professional florists. Where Fleurop summarizes their year extensively, Van Hulzen translates these into a beautiful anthology.